Presently, charities need our support more than ever as funding channels continue to tighten due to the ever present tightening economic conditions.
Every year since 1988, Little Britain Challenge Cup and its participants dedicate its support to its chosen charities with money from fundraising and surplus profits from the regatta and other events.
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The regatta raises thousands of pounds each year for sailing charities doing great work, such as the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust, the Cirdan Sailing Trust, the RNLI plus a host of smaller Isle of Wight sailing charities including Cowes Sailability.
Over the past 38 years, surplus profits and donations are shared between the charities and in that time the Little Britain Challenge Cup has raised over £1.35 million.
Little Britain is a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers for their colleagues and friends in the property and construction industry.
“Little Britain has been one of the longest corporate supporters of the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust. It has been a marvellous partnership over the years, and without their support we would have not been able to work with so many young people living through and beyond cancer.”
The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust uses sailing and outdoor adventures to inspire young people aged 8-24 living through and beyond cancer to believe in a brighter future.
For many young people, simply picking up where they left off before their diagnosis just isn’t possible. So, when treatment ends, the charity’s work begins.
The friendships they make, the acceptance they find, boundaries they push, independence they gain, and the skills they learn help every young person discover what they are capable of again and stop feeling like ‘the only one’.
Any young person who has been treated for cancer from across the UK can join the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust for a transformational four-day sailing experience from Cowes on the Isle of Wight or Largs on Scotland’s West Coast.
Many young people need support over time too, so once a young person has been sailing with the charity, they can return for more sailing or outdoor adventures.
Because of the money Little Britain Challenge Cup raises, the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust can help more, young people start to re-establish their purpose and place in the world, feel their mental well-being improve, and they are inspired to believe in a brighter future.
The work of Cirdan has been supported through the Little Britain Challenge Cup event since 2001. During this time the generosity of the companies and individuals who take part in the event have helped more than 2,000 youths and experience life at sea.
Cirdan helps young people who face disadvantage in their lives to benefit from character building education and personal development through the challenge and discipline of life at sea aboard large sailing vessels. The experience of life at sea increases self-confidence and esteem, promotes motivation, encourages team work and builds resilience.
Support from the LBCC event has enabled a special needs academy in the Midlands to sail on a number of occasions. On one particular voyage, 9 students had autism and 3 had learning difficulties, one also had cerebral palsy whilst three had complex emotional difficulties.
Amanda Cameron, Vice Principal said, “Thanks to the amazing work of the crew and the challenges presented by the voyage, the students had a fantastic week and didn’t want to go home. Their confidence grew so much in the space of a week!
The impact on their attitude has been substantial and lasting. Their school attendance has improved and they now put themselves forward for everything that’s offered. Their parents are absolutely amazed and delighted with the changes and their personal achievements”.
All at Cirdan are very grateful to the LBCC for their continued support of our work and would like to thank all those involved.
To find out more about the brilliant Cirdan Sailing Trust click here